Bench Lakes

Bench Lake

Dean and I tried to go backpacking on the last weekend of May. Alas, neither of us really wanted to pitch our tents in the snow. Or camp when the low temperatures were projected to be around 20° F. June proved to be a much better time for a backpacking trip.

There was still some snow on the ground. It kept us from getting as high on the mountain as we’d liked, but we still enjoyed terrific views. And other than super wet conditions as we left on Sunday, the weather was wonderful.

It was the first backpacking trip I’ve been on in a while. I tried out a new water filter. The Sawyer Squeeze water filter worked perfectly. I only packed one bottle with me though, and next time I think I’ll take one clean one for drinking from, and a separate one for dirty water. I also borrowed a tent from my friend Greg to save a few pounds. It was an REI Dome 2P, and it worked great as well.

One of my favorite items though was just a simple backpacking tarp. It was lightweight and didn’t take much room, but when the rain came, it was very much appreciated.

Sawtooth mountains

This was a perfect trip to start the summer. I look forward to many more days spent outside this summer and many more trips with Dean in the future.

Me and Dean

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