An Outdoor Weekend

This weekend was spent mostly in the outdoors. We watched a movie in the field behind our church, we hiked into a high mountain lake, and we had church outside. I may have gotten a little more sun than usual, but totally worth it.

Friday Night – Vineyard Boise Movie Night

Each year, the Vineyard Boise Christian Fellowship has held 2 or 3 movie nights during the summer. My wife and I have had the pleasure of leading the coordinating efforts for the past couple of years. This one was a showing of Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. I’m a fan. Such a good movie.

Terrific movie choice aside, the party that we throw for the community is amazing. Free everything! Popcorn, snow-cones, face painting. It’s so much fun. The laugher and smiles and friendly folks really give you a glimpse of what heaven might be like. So blessed to be a part.

Saturday – Hike To Louie Lake

After a quick stop for a breakfast burrito at the Albertson’s Marketplace, we made the drive to Louie Lake trailhead on Saturday morning. My wife’s mom Cindy joined us with her puppies, Zeke and Zoe, and our dog Rawley came along too.

The hike is only about a mile. It’s a steep mile, but c’mon, it’s only a mile. The weather was gorgeous. The sun was warm and the sky was blue. We fished a little. No catching, just fishing. The water was NOT warm, but we swam too. We found a great rock in the middle of the lake on an island to jump off of into the water where it was plenty deep. The kids did great! Me too, I didn’t drown either.

After swimming we relaxed on giant flat rocks and may have dozed off a bit. Our sunburns say that we probably did. Then we meandered back out and down the trail, well, right after trying to catch a poor frog that was just too slippery to catch.

On the way toward home, we stopped at Cougar Dave’s for dinner. This is not our first visit. You might say we’re fans. The food isn’t cheap, but the food is NOT cheap. So good. The of course we grabbed an ice-cream at Harpo’s on the way through Cascade. When we finally made it home and flopped into bed, everyone sighed and said, “What a good day”.

Sunday – Church On The Field

Sunday was the 30th anniversary of the Boise Vineyard. I love getting together with my church family, and it’s even more fun when we’re reminded of the great things that God is doing through people there. Stories of the founding of the church and establishment of so many ministries were recounted. God seems to love people wherever they are, through other broken people, when they just respond to His whisper. It’s so cool to see.

All that said, it was a terrific weekend. The summer is just flying by, and we’re just grasping to hold on to the time we have together this year.

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