Try Something New

My friend Kevin has been playing pool lately. We recently discovered The Pocket in Boise and he’s been playing quite a bit.

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The Pocket has been Boise’s home for the best pool in town for decades! Come enjoy one of our 20 tables today. Order from our menu of traditional favorites!

He decided to get out of his comfort zone and join in on the Monday night pool tournament. I decided to go along to watch and provide some moral support. Of course, my camera happened to tag along.

1 win, 4 losses, but none were a blow out. I think maybe some nerves got to him, but he did great for his first time out.

It was a learning experience for both of us. The rules were the fairly standard 8-ball rules we know, with a few small tournament details we didn’t. Such as “loser racks, loser breaks”, and what a Race 2/2 is. It seems that’s when the match is won when 1 person wins 2 games, and it’s double elimination.

Anyway, it was a great evening and Kevin’s willingness to step out and try something new was fun and inspiring. It’s a reminder that there are so many new things to try.

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