Tag: kids
Ambrose Back To School Picnic 2014
My little boy finally enters school. I am of course conflicted. He’s so little and I love him so much as he is, I really would love for him to always be my little tiny ball of energy and excitement. At the same time though, I’m thrilled to see his huge amount of brilliance and…
A Quick Saturday Outing
We took our silly puppy dog down to Petco this afternoon so he could play with some other dogs. I took the camera and got a few photos while Rawley played and the kids watched. On the way home we stopped and I got the kids an ice cream bar for being relatively well behaved.…
An Amazing Easter Sunday
Easter. A celebration of the greatest event in world history. The moment when death was defeated on our behalf. Jesus, setting aside pride and power, allowed Himself to be killed and buried for our sins. Then He showed His real power. The power over death and sin. Now He has given us the opportunity to…
Lego Fun
Travis received a whole host of fun Lego things this year for his birthday and Christmas. The only problem is trying to get me to stop playing with them long enough that he can play with them. I found that using the flashes to throw shadows and brighten the colors makes for some really dynamic…
A Lego Birthday
My little boy turned 4. I don’t know whether I’m more excited for his maturing or sad for the loss of his baby qualities. Mostly I am excited though. I see amazing things in his future and I look forward to being there to encourage and apply band-aides as necessary. We had a party to…
Ambrose Christmas Program 2012
Our daughter is in kindergarten at The Ambrose School. I absolutely love the heart with which they serve us and our children. The Christmas program this year was beautiful. There were a few rough notes from the string section in the orchestra, but that was hardly noticeable surrounded by the wonderful voices of hundreds of…
2012-13 Awana Grand Prix
“I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag which stands for the Awana clubs whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.” Along with the Pledge Of Allegiance to the American flag, that’s how we start off each event, and the Grand Prix is no…
Feedin’ The Birds
My wife is backpacking. She has abandoned me with our kids to go off traipsing around the mountains with her mom and sisters. Mostly I’m just jealous that she’s spending some time in an incredibly beautiful area. While she’s gone though, I get to do some fun stuff with the kiddos. One of my go…
A Frankamp Beauty
Some friends of ours have THE BEST tradition during the summer. They have a really nice in ground swimming pool in their backyard and during the summer, they invite their friends over for potluck and swimming every Monday evening. It really is a fun time just relaxing and sharing a meal and swimming or just letting the…
Camping At Wallowa Lake
We went “glamping” this weekend. I’m calling it glamping because we really aren’t used to camping within 15 feet of other campers and within 50 feet of a restroom. While it was a little different for us, it really was nice. There was a great feeling of community among the other campers and the gondola ride up…
Bible Study Pizza Night
My wife and I share our lives with a small group of friends that get together once a week in Boise. Some of the nights we get together include a potluck or some sort of dinner. This Monday, we barbecued pizza, and it was spectacular. I brought along the camera because, well, it’s what I…
Some Interestingness From June 3, 2012
The weather was beautiful today and after running the sound system at church we spent the rest of the day playing and relaxing. Here’s a few of the more picturesque moments of my day. I hope you enjoy. [nggallery id=1]