Category: Thoughts
Such A Gomer
in Thoughts–
From the urban dictionary: gomer: 1. a stupid oaf, a social reject I love watching The Andy Griffith Show with my kids. There are always good lessons. The episode where Gomer Pyle joined the Marines came on the other day, and it’s one of my favorites. As I considered my own takeaways from the show,…
I Want To Listen To Vinyl Records
in Thoughts–
I’ve been thinking about buying a record player lately. That’s right, good ‘ole vinyl. I’m not sure what got me thinking that direction, but the more I consider it, the more I want one. It might be the popularity of vinyl lately, or the fact that I hang around with too many hipsters. Or both…
Tales From The Road
in Thoughts–
It was short notice and unexpected, but I got a call tonight to shoot some “retired” hockey pros. They were in need of a few marketing shots for their up and coming podcast called Tales From The Road. I met them at the hockey rink and got a few action shots, some of them relaxing…
Inherently Creative
in Thoughts–
Which came first? The chicken, or the egg? If you believe the Bible, and in God, then you have to believe that he created the bird, not an egg. He didn’t create Adam as an embryo and then wait for him to develop, so why would he do that with birds and lizards and anything…
Disagreement Does Not Equal Stupid
in Thoughts–
TL;DR: Please stop posting or sharing the people who try to make others seem stupid to support their side of an argument. I follow many different types of people and groups on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and others. There are Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Mormons, Atheists, and every other ‘group’ you can think of. Supporters of homosexual…
I Make No Promises
in Thoughts–
“I won’t eat your candy, I promise.” What does that promise mean? I was curious and looked it up. promise: “an express assurance on which expectation is to be based” You promise so that people can expect what you said to be true. So when you haven’t added the promise, people can’t expect what you…
Lost Without My Smartphone
in Thoughts–
Last week I sent away my smartphone to Samsung. The week before, it had begun to overheat and destroy my batteries, so I sent it in for repair. I knew I had become used to having a continuous connection to the world, but I had no idea how bad it really was. This morning I…
The Sting Of Death
in Thoughts–
Death has once again visited out family. We really wish he would never visit, but really have no reason to expect him not to. Death visits us all, prepared or not. It’s part of being alive in this world, eventually it ends. My wife Becky’s grandfather Bill Amandus passed away this week. If you’re more…